Odeon Theatre in Patras
Roman Theatre
2300 seat theatre dates from 100 AD and was originally uncovered in a ruined state in 1889, and renovated with an official reopening in 1956. It is currently used each summer as part of cultural performances in Patras.
What is an "Odeon" theatre ?
n. 1. A kind of theater in ancient Greece, smaller than the dramatic theater and roofed over, in which poets and musicians submitted their works to the approval of the public, and contended for prizes; - hence, in modern usage, the name of a hall for musical or dramatic performances.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.
Ancient theaters of Greece
The Southern Slope of the Acropolis - The Dionysos Theater
Odeon Herodes Atticus in Athens
Odeon Theatre in Patras, Greece
The Acropolis in Athens Greece
The Acropolis - Parthenon and More

Greece's Golden Visa program