Timeline of the Politcal Party SYRIZA in Greece
Syriza, an acronym for the "Coalition of the Radical Left" (Συνασπισμός Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς) in Greek, is a left-wing political party in Greece.
Timeline of SYRIZA most significant events and milestones:
2004: Syriza was founded as an alliance of various left-wing parties, social movements, and radical groups. Its initial goal was to provide a unified platform for left-wing politics in Greece, with a focus on social justice, workers' rights, and progressive policies.
2012: Syriza gained prominence during the Greek legislative elections of 2012, amid the country's financial crisis and the implementation of harsh austerity measures. In the May 2012 election, the party won 16.8% of the vote and became the main opposition party. A second election was held in June 2012, and Syriza increased its share of the vote to 26.9%, further solidifying its position as the main opposition party.
January 2015: In the snap legislative election, Syriza won a decisive victory, securing 36.3% of the vote and 149 seats in the Hellenic Parliament. The party formed a coalition government with the right-wing Independent Greeks (ANEL) party. Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras was sworn in as Prime Minister of Greece.
July 2015: Amid ongoing negotiations with Greece's creditors and the European Union, Tsipras called for a referendum on the bailout terms proposed by the creditors. The referendum took place on July 5, 2015, and the Greek people voted "No" (Oxi), rejecting the proposed measures. Despite the referendum result, Tsipras later agreed to a new bailout deal with additional austerity measures to prevent a Greek exit from the Eurozone.
September 2015: Following the bailout agreement, Tsipras resigned as Prime Minister and called for a snap election. Syriza won the election with 35.5% of the vote, and Tsipras formed another coalition government with the Independent Greeks.
2019: In the European Parliament election and local elections held in May 2019, Syriza lost ground to the center-right New Democracy party. Following these defeats, Tsipras called for a snap general election in July 2019. Syriza lost the election, securing 31.5% of the vote and 86 seats in the Hellenic Parliament. New Democracy formed the government, and Syriza returned to the role of the main opposition party.
SYRIZA remains a key player in the Greek political landscape, representing the interests of the left-wing electorate.
The 2015 Greek Gov't under Tsipras

Greece's Golden Visa program